Boulder Fails, Again
Boulder Falls with water and ice
This was our third time traveling to Boulder, Colorado to do a photography session. The first time we stopped at Mike’s Camera with the intention of spending some time photographing the flat irons. As we drove into Boulder we could see that the haze (smog?) caused the flat irons to be too obscured for good photography. To get more details and to view a video of our Boulder Fails adventure check out on YouTube.
The second time we were going to have dinner at the Dushanbe Tea House in Boulder and then head up to Boulder Falls and do some photography. We had dinner, then became engrossed by an American Dipper bobbing up and down in the nearby irrigation channel. For those that don’t know the American Dipper is a smallish bird that lives along streams and dives into the water to catch its food. The name is derived from the behaviour of the birds. They tend to bob up and down when walking along the bank or on the rocks.
American Dipper bobbing
Anyway, by the time we arrived at Boulder Falls it was getting too late for the session. the light was fading. So we tried a third time. This time we arrived relatively early at the falls on a Wednesday morning. There was no one at the falls so we had time to wander around and play with some different perspectives. We started close up, figuring to get those shots out of the way before anyone showed up. We had finished that portion of our session when a trio of American Dippers showed up. We were immediately distracted.
After a while, we got back on track and started working on some photos from a distance. It was during this interval that I decided I wanted to try some filters that I had just purchased. The problem with this idea was that I didn’t have the adapter to link the Lee filters that I wanted to use with the Sony 70-200mm lens that I was using. By this time more and more people were starting to join us and getting nice photos sans people was getting too difficult. Though, if we would have had the correct adapters we could use a longer exposure to have the people disappear.
So our third trip to Boulder was less than completely successful. We decided it was time for coffee and brunch.